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Learn faster and remember longer with our smart flashcard system

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Smart review scheduling for better retention
Study with tests and track your progress
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AI learning assistant (3 requests/day)
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Supercharge your learning experience

All Free features, plus:
Create unlimited boxes and cards
Access 150,000+ ready-made flashcards
Advanced AI assistance (90 requests/day)
Add images to your cards
Hear pronunciation in 14 languages
Priority customer support
LaTeX formula editor with AI assistance
Auto-generate cards from PDF files

Smart Features For Everyone

AI-Powered Learning

Study smarter with AI assistance for any subject - from languages to advanced university courses

LaTeX Formula Editor

Write complex math formulas easily with our AI-powered LaTeX editor

Progress Tracking

See exactly how you're improving with visual statistics and learning analytics

Create Your Own

Make personalized flashcards with text, images, and formulas in minutes

Ready-Made Content

Jump-start your learning with thousands of pre-made cards for popular subjects

PDF to Flashcards

Turn your PDF textbooks and notes into flashcards with a single click